Posts filed under: Dispute resolution

In estate planning, trusts serve as essential tools for managing and distributing an individual’s assets in a controlled and deliberate manner. Trusts can safeguard assets, minimise tax liabilities, and provide structured support to beneficiaries under predetermined conditions. However, the very...
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Property disputes can easily arise in real estate, often leading to complex legal battles that are both emotionally and financially draining. At Midwinters, we have decades of experience dealing with property disputes. We understand the intricacies and are here to...
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With commercial property leases, the Landlord and Tenant Act 1954 (LTA) plays a pivotal role, providing a framework that governs the landlord-tenant relationship. This legislation, applicable to England and Wales, offers security of tenure provisions, granting commercial tenants the statutory...
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As the private rental market continues to expand, with approximately 4.5 million homes in England now being privately rented, it’s imperative for landlords to be well-versed in the rights and responsibilities that come with leasing their properties. A positive landlord-tenant...
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