When navigating the complexities of a divorce, one of the most significant financial elements to consider is the division of pensions. As substantial assets, pensions hold critical importance in ensuring financial security post-divorce. Our family law team at Midwinters, is committed to guiding you through the nuances of pension sharing to achieve an equitable financial settlement.

Understanding Pension Sharing Orders

Introduced in December 2000, Pension Sharing Orders have become an important component of divorce settlements in England and Wales, treating pensions as matrimonial  assets. This  enables the fair division of pension entitlements, ensuring financial equity between divorcing parties.

The Legal Framework

Pension Sharing Orders are predicated on the principle that pensions are matrimonial assets and should thus be included in the asset pool, which also comprises property, savings, and other investments. In England and Wales, all pension assets accumulated by the couple are considered in the divorce settlement. Contrastingly, in Scotland, only those accumulated during the marriage or civil partnership are relevant.

Methods of Pension Division

Divorce can lead to various arrangements concerning pension assets, primarily through the following methods:

  1. Pension Sharing: This method involves a direct transfer of a pension portion from one spouse’s pension scheme to an independent pension arrangement in the other spouse’s name. It is the most definitive approach, providing a clean break as each party receives a share of the pension assets immediately as part of the divorce settlement.
  2. Pension Offsetting: Here, the value of the pension is offset against other assets. For example, one spouse may keep their entire pension, while the other receives assets like property or cash, equivalent to their share of the pension value. This method can simplify asset division without necessitating the restructuring of pension schemes.
  3. Pension Attachment (Earmarking): In this arrangement, the pension payer’s future pension benefits are earmarked for the ex-spouse, who receives payments directly from the pension once it is in payment. This method does not involve the transfer of pension asset ownership but earmarks future payments.

Implementing a Pension Sharing Order

The process begins with obtaining a court order during the divorce proceedings. This order specifies the proportion of the pension to be shared, which is then implemented by the pension provider. This legal step is crucial as it ensures the pension is divided accurately and fairly, reflecting the couple’s agreement or court’s decision.

Advantages of Pension Sharing Orders

Opting for a Pension Sharing Order provides several benefits:

  • Equity and Fairness: They ensure a fair division of pension assets, which might otherwise disproportionately favour one party over the other, especially in long marriages where one spouse may have accumulated significantly higher pension benefits.
  • Financial Independence and Security: Post-divorce, each individual receives a portion of the pension in their own name, offering independence and the opportunity to plan their retirement without reliance on their former spouse.
  • Certainty and Finality: Pension sharing provides a clean break between spouses concerning pension arrangements, which mitigates future financial disputes and entanglements.

Financial Implications and Responsibilities

It is usually necessary to instruct a specialist pension expert to report upon the available options to best share the pension assets fairly between the spouses, as this involves consideration of life expectancies as well as the nature of different fund types. These costs can vary depending upon the pensions available but quotes will always be obtained in advance.

The costs associated with implementing a Pension Sharing Order can vary depending which pension company is involved. Typically, these fees might be borne by one party or shared between both. It is essential to discuss these potential costs with your solicitor to understand how they will affect your overall financial settlement.

The Role of Solicitors in Pension Sharing

Given the complexity and lasting impact of how pensions are divided in divorce, professional legal advice is indispensable. Solicitors can provide essential guidance on the most suitable method of pension division based on the unique circumstances of your case and can assist in the instruction of the pension expert’s report and advise as to its conclusions They help navigate the legal intricacies and ensure that all financial elements are considered and appropriately valued.

Midwinters’ Expertise in Family Law

At Midwinters, we specialise in addressing all aspects of family law with sensitivity and expertise. Partner Lucy Webley, backed by over 25 years of experience, along with her PA Linda, offers comprehensive advice on divorce and pension sharing. Our approach is tailored to meet the individual needs of our clients, ensuring that we provide not only legal guidance but also support through what can be a challenging time.


Divorce is a profoundly significant legal and emotional process, with pensions representing one of the most important financial aspects to be addressed. At Midwinters, we are committed to ensuring that your pension assets are dealt with fairly and equitably, providing you with the security and independence you need for your future.

We encourage anyone facing family law issues to contact Lucy Webley or her PA Linda at Midwinters for a free half-hour consultation to discuss your specific circumstances. Please visit us at Midwinters Family Law or call 01242 514674 to schedule your meeting. Let us help you navigate your family law needs with expertise and care.