
As the private rental market continues to expand, with approximately 4.5 million homes in England now being privately rented, it’s imperative for landlords to be well-versed in the rights and responsibilities that come with leasing their properties. A positive landlord-tenant...
Do I need a Solicitor to make a Will?   Having made the sensible decision to make a Will, you then need to decide whether to write your own Will or instruct a professional to prepare it for you. Midwinters...
With family law, navigating disputes can be emotionally draining and financially burdensome. The conventional court system often exacerbates these challenges, thanks to its slow pace and the rigid structure that litigants must adhere to. However, there is a more efficient...
Why Make a Will?   It is estimated that only 4 in 10 people in the United Kingdom have a Will. Midwinters Partner, Mark Lynham ( ), explains the risk of not making a Will:     Making a Will...
When a person dies, whatever they leave behind has to be administered. However, whether or not their loved ones need Probate depends on the particular circumstances and each estate is different. Midwinters Partner, Mark Lynham (, explains further:   There...
What do I need to think about when making a Lasting Power of Attorney? When making a Lasting Power of Attorney (LPA), you need to make a number of decisions to ensure that the LPA is right for you. Midwinters...
Do I need a Solicitor to obtain Probate? Any Executor named in someone’s Will has to decide whether they need professional help or whether they feel comfortable administering the estate without such help. Midwinters Partner, Mark Lynham ( ), explains...
The Government Increases the Statutory Legacy If you die without leaving a valid Will, you are deemed to have died “intestate” and the distribution of your estate is determined by the Rules of Intestacy. In such circumstances, if you die...
Do I Need a Lasting Power of Attorney? Lasting Powers of Attorney are a critical part of later life planning. Midwinters Partner, Mark Lynham ( ), explains more:   No-one likes to consider the possibility of losing the capacity to...
What are the risks of being an Executor? Being named as an Executor in someone’s Will involves significant responsibility and is not a role to be taken lightly. Midwinters Partner, Mark Lynham ( ), explains more:   If you are...